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How To Stop Accidentally Clicking on Badges In The Filmstrip

It happened to me all the time — I’m clicking on a thumbnail in the Filmstrip so I can just to that image, but then it switches to the Library Module’s metadata panel or to the Develop Module where the cropping border appears around my image, but all I wanted was to switch images. Well, at least it did until I learned how to turn that “clickablity” off.

Here’s a short video that shows the problem (it’s actually a feature), and how to turn that feature off, it you don’t want those filmstrip badges clickable.




  1. Michael Clewley 17 May, 2016 at 20:19 Reply

    Thanks Scott! Great little tip that does help save some minor annoyances. Another one you may be able to help with. Looking at an image, you hit delete to delete it and then it moves to the next image. If you don’t like this one you have to click on the image before you delete it, you can’t just hit the delete key even though you have focus. Love to see if you have any ideas about this one.

  2. Lori 17 May, 2016 at 14:19 Reply

    Are these choices the same on Windows? I don’t have the “Ignore Clicks on Badges” in my list. I am using Lightroom CC and I am up to date with the software. Thanks!

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