FeaturedPhotoshopPrint Module

Adding Your Own Custom Picture Frame in Lightroom

Mornin’ everybody. Sorry I missed posting on Friday – I was out in San Diego for my seminar, and by the time I got back to my hotel I was so beat that I called in “lame.” But I’m back in the saddle, and ready to roll so let’d do this thing! 😉

Today’s video is on how to take a custom frame you design in Photoshop, and add it to Lightroom (with a transparent background), so you can apply it to your images any time. It’s surprisingly easy (as you’ll see).


Hope you found that helpful.

Come join me out in Vegas in July
If you haven’t got your tickets for the Photoshop World 2016 Conference (July 19-21st at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center), now’s the time (you can save $100 by registering now using the early bird discount, and if you’re a KelbyOne member, you save another $100, so you can get a full conference pass right now [before June 11th] for just $599). Plus, there are room discounts at the Mandalay Bay and the Delano Hotel just for attendees. All the details are right here. 

Have a great Monday everybody, and we’ll catch you here tamarra! 🙂





  1. ivan 13 October, 2017 at 15:51 Reply

    Hi, Scott,
    Great tutorial. You posted this some time ago… hope you are still able to provide some guidance.
    Your example works great when you have ONE picture to “frame”. Is it possible ( in LR Print, Book or other area) to design several identical frames as if there were “pages”… So you can “dorp” in them the best 12 pics or what ever nbr and they populate one on each page/frame?
    Similar to what happens when you let LR populate a book.. but here every page wuould be a 5×7 predefined frame page…
    Any idea how I can solve this? thanks for your time and guidance.

  2. Corrine 21 November, 2016 at 09:03 Reply

    Hi Scott, firstly may thanks for this great post and actually, all your posts; they are so helpful !

    This is exactly what I am looking for, so cant wait to try it out. I want to add my logo and copyright details on the frame so they don’t distract from the image. Please can you advise re my workflow though….I assume I do this step before I export my photos for Flickr /Slideshow etc ?

    Thanks again


  3. Yann 16 May, 2016 at 18:26 Reply

    Didn’t try that… But what happens if the interior of the frame is actually transparent? Would that you let you put it in front and easily frame any ratio?

  4. Dave from SoCal 16 May, 2016 at 11:26 Reply

    Thank you Scott, this is exactly what I have been looking for, incorporating borders from PS into LR. I have been trying to do this using borders created from the Barney’s Mac software program ‘Border” http://homepage.ntlworld.com/b.hilken/pages/Border.html
    If you haven’t seen this program, check it out, it provides for immense amount of creative border capability. I have been trying to copy the 1930/40″s drug store photo print borders found on many of my parent’s photographs. Now I think I have the tools to do. Again, Thank You!

  5. Dennis Zito 16 May, 2016 at 07:37 Reply

    Super Scott! Great info … I never knew you could save and ID plate … Duh on me! Hey, I remember you doing a Tutorial some where on make your own Frames. Where do I go to see that tutorial … I can’t remember. I’m loving your new quick tutorials here and on your blog!



  6. Gene Tewksbury 16 May, 2016 at 07:15 Reply

    Nice idea, but not terribly useful for my purposes unless I can integrate this into export (ie: group/mass export).

    Is there a way for me to apply this to images so that I can export the frames when I “publish” using publishing service plugins?

    • Scott Kelby 16 May, 2016 at 22:22 Reply

      Well, you could apply the frames; save them as JPEGs out of the Print Job module; reimport them into Lightroom and then use the Publish Services. It’s not an awesome workflow, but that’d do the trick.

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