The Print module in Lightroom Classic lets you create these really cool multi-photo layouts, and best of all —  you don’t have to just print them — you can save these layouts as JPEGs and share them on social, email them, whatever. Check out the video below (you’ll be surprised at how easy this is).

Hope you found that helpful (and if you have any questions about these multi-photo layouts, drop them in the comments section below).

This is going to be a great week — let’s make the most of it! 🙂




  1. Kevin Scott 5 August, 2020 at 13:39 Reply

    Hi Scott,

    Great tip, I’ve been wanting to do something like this for a bit now, very timely!

    Is there a way to have photos of different sizing in the group? Like if you wanted a larger center photo surrounded by smaller ones?

  2. Andrea 3 August, 2020 at 09:47 Reply

    Is there way to save these custom contact sheets? I love that you are able to customize them and would like to be able to use them repeatedly.

    • Scott Kelby 3 August, 2020 at 19:18 Reply

      Absolutely. Once you’ve created a layout you like, go to the Template Browser on the left side panels; click the + button to the right of the words “Template Browser” and now you can save that layout as a template. It will appear under “User Templates’ by default, but you can make your own folder of templates if you like.

  3. Craig 3 August, 2020 at 09:35 Reply

    This is so great! I am trying it now. However, some of my photos are rotated to the left. Should I make a VC and rotate it and then remove the original from the filter? Or any other idea? The photos in question were vertically taken and now that the “print” is horizontal, they rotated.

    • Scott Kelby 3 August, 2020 at 19:18 Reply

      If you look in the Image Settings panel on the right side panels, there’s a checkbox for “rotate to fit.” Toggle that checkbox and that should do the trick. 🙂

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