DevelopFeaturedPhotoshop World

How to “Clone” Inside of Lightroom (and the Photoshop World Conference is Almost Here)

This is a quick, easy trick to do something you probably didn’t think Lightroom could do. Check it out below:

Pretty cool little trick, eh?

Tons of Lightroom Classes Coming UP At the Photoshop World Conference 2022

It’s back again this year, and it’s three full days, multiple training tracks, all online, featuring your favorite Photoshop World instructors and the Photoshop World experience, complete with an opening keynote, Midnight Madness, the attendee party, the Guru Awards — the whole nine yards as we aim to make it as close to the in-person event as possible, which means it’s going to be awesome!

First, check out the official trailer below:

Just like always, you can watch any session in any of the tracks, and we archive the entire conference for a full year so you can catch any sessions you missed or re-watch any sessions you want to see again.

Check out this amazing lineup of instructors: 

For more information or to reserve your spot now using the early-bird discount, click this link right here, and we’ll see you at the conference.

Have a great weekend, everybody!




  1. M.-A. Descôteaux 5 August, 2022 at 08:37 Reply

    Good to know! Thanks, Scott: this opens up nice opportunities for creativity.

    I only wish that tool was a little bit better at doing what it’s meant to do. One can hope!

    • Scott Kelby 5 August, 2022 at 09:47 Reply

      I am with you on this. It’s nothing like the Healing Brush or Clone Stamp tool from Photoshop (and that clone stamp tool has been in Photoshop for 30+ years).

  2. Dennis Zito 5 August, 2022 at 06:14 Reply

    Scott … that was amazing!! I’ve been using LRc since the beginning of time :-), but always used the clone and healing brush by going over the object first and then moving it. I never thought to reverse the process! Thanks for the tip!!!

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