Comments on: Importing Your Camera Images Straight into Lightroom On Your iPad (and my new book is here!) The Latest Lightroom Tips, Tricks & Techniques Sun, 15 Dec 2019 03:10:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Importing Your Camera Images Straight into Lightroom On Your iPad (and my new book is here!) - Hollywood X Studio Sun, 15 Dec 2019 03:10:01 +0000 […] post Importing Your Camera Images Straight into Lightroom On Your iPad (and my new book is here!) appeared first on Lightroom Killer […]

By: Scott Kelby Sun, 15 Dec 2019 00:32:24 +0000 I arrived in Chicago on Friday morning, and left Saturday afternoon, and still had time for meals and taking a break here and there. I would say a weekend would be ideal (kind of a Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon) taking it at a very leisurely pace. Man of the locations are actually ver close together. 🙂 Happy shooting. 🙂

By: david Sat, 14 Dec 2019 13:40:39 +0000 how many days should I plan to be in Chicago if I follow your plan ?
