It was Matt Kloskowski who originally tagged it with that name here on Lightroom Killer Tips, and I think he was spot on. Well, maybe it should be “The Most Useful Button in Lightroom?” (with a question mark instead) because while it’s certainly debatable, I believe it’s truly one of, if not the, handiest. If you’re not using the Previous button in your daily work, check out this short little video on why it’s so handy. 

I love that dang button! 🙂

Are you coming to the Photoshop World Conference in Orlando this Summer?
We’ve got three solid days of Lightroom training (and a bunch of Photoshop classes, and lighting and photography and more!). You’ve always said to yourself, “One day, I’ve gotta go to Photoshop World…” and this can be the year. If you’re still on the fence, watch the 1-minute trailer below:

Don’t wait another year – don’t look at all the videos and photo afterward and think you should have gone, but you missed it again. Go right now to – book your hotel (you can stay at the same hotel where we’re holding the conference – the beautiful Hyatt Regency Hotel & Convention Center – it where all the instructors and staff are staying, and we’ve even got special discounted room rates). Pack your bags — we’re going to Orlando May 31-June 2, 2018. Let’s do it!

Have a great Monday everybody – let’s make this one count! 🙂





  1. Natalie (QSOgirl) 25 February, 2018 at 09:29 Reply

    Wow–I had no idea that this is what that button did– I always left it alone… This is great! I usually use the keyboard copy/paste shortcuts to transfer settings, but this seems even easier!

  2. Stuart 8 February, 2018 at 06:06 Reply

    Thanks for the tip on the Previous button. Never used it before but now I know what it does, it makes the process a lot easier.

  3. Nina 7 February, 2018 at 11:02 Reply

    Great tip, Scott. I use this button quite often. Keep presenting your tips, I enjoy them all and have learned a lot from your tips and tutorials.

  4. Craig 5 February, 2018 at 20:13 Reply

    who da thunk it!! I figured that it took you back one step. Great find!!!!! But if this is the BEST button, what is a second great button that nobody knows about?

  5. Andrew 5 February, 2018 at 13:05 Reply

    For some reason it never occurred to me to click the “Previous” button, although I’ve used paste settings from previous before. Thank you very much, that was hiding right there in plain sight!

    As I was watching your video in full screen and tried hitting the “G” button before I remembered it was only a video! 😉

  6. Dennis 5 February, 2018 at 07:38 Reply

    Thanks for the tip. I have only used “Previous” to revert back to an earlier setting when working with a given photo. Never considered it could be applied to subsequent photos.

  7. Steve Kalman 5 February, 2018 at 04:37 Reply

    Darn it, Scott, you did it again. We have plans for the same days as PSW. Don’t tell Kalebra, but we’ll be in Paris those days, followed by a wine-centric river cruise in the Bordeaux region.

    Speaking of KK, if you’re looking for a Valentine Gift, try Laderach chocolate. We did a chocolate tasting tour in Switzerland and they were the clear winners.

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