FeaturedLightroom Coffee Break

How to Widen Your Panels On the Mac Version of Lightroom Classic

Got a brand new video here from Adobe’s own Benjamin Warde, and it’s a Mac-only trick, but it’s a really handy one (well, I guess it is if you’re on a Mac). 🙂 Check it out:

Thanks, Benjamin.

Rome, here I come!
On my way for my workshop. I will be sharing some behind-the-scenes stuff to my Instagram account, so if you get a chance (well, I’d probably wait until tomorrow since I’m flying all day today), but my account is (not surprisingly) @scottkelby

Thanks, ya’ll and have a great Tuesday!

Ciao, ciao!


P.S. Don’t forget to catch ‘The Grid’ tomorrow at 4PM ET. 



  1. Craig 18 September, 2018 at 07:32 Reply

    Could you do an updated poll of people who is LR on:
    Windows Classic
    Windows CC
    Mac CC
    iPad CC.

    Both mobile CC and Desktop CC

    Then repeat in a year.

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