Comments on: Deciding Between Lightroom Classic and Lightroom The Latest Lightroom Tips, Tricks & Techniques Tue, 09 Nov 2021 23:11:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Maloney Tue, 09 Nov 2021 23:11:04 +0000 I use LR V6.14 ( last CD version). I travel to Europe for a month each year. Usually keep ~2K pics to enhance with LR. Maybe take another 1or 2 weekly trips. My use of LR typically occurs after these trips. So, I’m not an every month user of LR.

I read early on it was easier to keep RAW photos (and subsequent LR enhanced jpg’s in “trip/event folders” (on monthly trips I break into Week 1-4) on an external drive.

I have a Nikon 810 with 24-120mm & 50mm lenses. I’m 74 and don’t see moving to newer Nikons or any other brand.

My question is what are the major benefits I might enjoy using one of the monthly for life subscription LR versions over V6.


By: Rob Sylvan Mon, 25 Jan 2021 19:39:10 +0000 In reply to David.

I would stick with LrC as your main photo library hub, and if you wish, you can sync that catalog to the Lr cloud and make as many photos available for syncing from LrC as you wish. This way you get the best of both worlds. See here:

By: David Sun, 24 Jan 2021 01:31:51 +0000 Thanks for this piece.

I’m an original LrC user and am happy with the desktop version. One of the biggest drawbacks I have heard about Lr is that I cannot maintain my folder structure from my hard drive and that Lr would require a huge shift in how I have my images organized. Is that correct? That alone would be a deal breaker for me. It also makes the two program basically incompatible with each other, right? (I.e., you pretty much need to decide which one you are using and stick with it.)

By: Rob Sylvan Mon, 18 Jan 2021 18:33:38 +0000 In reply to JOHN.

Hi John,

Yes, check out my article on how to use LrC and Lr together without using any of your cloud storage.

By: Rob Sylvan Mon, 18 Jan 2021 18:32:46 +0000 In reply to Kevin.

Yeah, I don’t see that happening.

By: JOHN Sun, 17 Jan 2021 14:30:37 +0000 Rob,
Can I pick and choose which photos to sync between LrC and Lr? Since I have a limitation as to the amount of storage I can’t possibly sync everything, but I’d like to have some of my desktop stored photos available to Lr via the cloud. Make ssense?

By: Kevin Sat, 16 Jan 2021 22:14:36 +0000 If there ever comes a day when LrC goes away in favor of cloud-based Lr, I’m afraid that will be the end of my relationship with Adobe. I wish that there was broader recognition that high speed internet with virtually unlimited data is not available to everyone, nor should it be a prerequisite for image editing (or, computing in general). I think it is time that those who take their high speed connections for granted to take a moment to recognize those of us who would be completely shut out if Adobe were to move exclusively to the cloud.

By: Rob Sylvan Sat, 16 Jan 2021 14:25:10 +0000 In reply to Tony Arroyo.

Yeah, that’s why it is good LrC is sticking around. LrC with 1TB of cloud storage gives you the best of both worlds if you truly need full resolution photos in the cloud, as it allows you to be selective about which photos are full res in the cloud and which, if any, are only smart previews (which don’t count against storage).

By: Tony Arroyo Fri, 15 Jan 2021 18:43:48 +0000 2Tb-5Tb equates to $100-150pm, who can afford to have their entire photo Catalog in Adobe?? Not many

By: Dudley Warner Fri, 15 Jan 2021 14:33:46 +0000 This updated comparison of the features and cost of the 2 versions of Lightroom was really helpful. I am hopeful that Adobe will allow the 2 to exist way into the future and not try ( as it appears) to shoehorn us into LR. Thanks –
