Comments on: Replacing the words “Adobe Lightroom” With Your Logo The Latest Lightroom Tips, Tricks & Techniques Sat, 11 Feb 2017 14:44:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Val Vesa Sat, 11 Feb 2017 14:44:24 +0000 In reply to Florian.

The best fit size is:
Width: 280px
Height: 41px

By: Gavin Gough Wed, 10 Aug 2016 01:02:18 +0000 Hi Scott, I’ve replaced my Identity Plate with a simple grayscale chart, which allows a very quick and easy way to check that my monitor is set to the optimum viewing angle. It seemed that the Identity Plate space was crying out for something a little more practical. As I adjust the angle of the screen, I can ensure that the different greyscale blocks are easily distinguishable, which is obviously important for editing.

This won’t replace a proper calibration exercise but works as a quick check. The greyscale chart can be downloaded for free from my web site at

(You’ll also find a free, customisable Panel End Mark file, which I use to remind myself of my various rating and rating workflow settings).

I hope you’ll find this useful. Cheers!

By: Florian Wed, 13 Jul 2016 02:50:25 +0000 Scott, My logo is too big. What size fits in here or how ado you get it to fit in that narrow top space?


By: Richard Wed, 13 Jul 2016 01:15:46 +0000 You can personalize the start up splash screen as well

By: Scott Kelby Mon, 11 Jul 2016 23:57:48 +0000 In reply to Matt O’Brien.

I’d vote for that 🙂

By: Scott Kelby Mon, 11 Jul 2016 23:57:23 +0000 In reply to William Chinn.

Ummm, William – It says right in the post that on Windows it’s under the Edit menu.

By: William Chinn Mon, 11 Jul 2016 15:06:29 +0000 Come on, Scott. You had to make me look up how to do it on a PC. Its in the EDIT drop down.

By: Matt O'Brien Mon, 11 Jul 2016 09:57:36 +0000 I use the Identity Plate to keep useful notes. For example I like to turn on and off the Auto Advance Feature, but fed up searching for the command in the Lr menu system. Also I like to Show / Hide files in sub folders and change this regularly too, but also have difficulty remembering where to find the setting. So my Identity Plate looks like…

AutoAdvance = Photo/AutoAdvance
Library/Show Photos In Sub Folders.

I would prefer if Adobe allowed us create our own panels so we could keep our favourite commands in one place and be available with a single mouse click.
