FeaturedFunLightroom Coffee Break

Customizing Your Lightroom Identity Plate

Hi, gang – it’s Tuesdays, and Adobe’s own Benjamin Warde has a brand new video on how to quickly customize your copy of Lightroom with your own logo and look. Check it out:

Thanks, Benjamin!

Here’s to having a way better than usual Tuesday!



P.S. Tomorrow my guest on The Grid (my live weekly photography show) is photographer Melanie Kern Favilla, and we’re doing blind photo critiques. Submit your images now if you want to be considered for a blind photo critique on the show (it’s airs Web at 4pM ET). 



  1. Roscoe 9 February, 2018 at 19:33 Reply

    I am trying to reposition the identity plate from the default center position in LR CC Print module. Is there a way?

  2. Clyde 9 February, 2018 at 19:30 Reply

    Please buy Benjamin an off-camera microphone. It’s2018. His tip might be good but I’ll never know because I cannot understand him due to the echo.

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