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How To Cancel Your Lightroom & Photoshop Photography Plan Subscription

The folks over at Digital Camera World in the UK (one of my favorite mags), did a piece on how to cancel your Adobe subscription, and I’m not posting here to get you to cancel (just the opposite). I’m posting it here because there are still a few folks still desperately clinging onto the hope that Adobe is going to go back and sell copies of Photoshop (it was $800) and Lightroom (it was $150, so nearly $1,000 for the two of them) again. By the way, they’re not.

But, if those folks see that you actually can cancel, maybe they’ll finally get over their fear or whatever, and start using the latest versions of this software for just under half of what my daughter’s drive through chicken finger dinner (and my wife’s frozen custard dessert) cost me last night at Culver’s fast food restaurant.

It’s been eight years people. It ain’t coming back, and you wouldn’t write nearly a $1,000 check if they did suddenly make them available (they’re not). And, by the way – Adobe hasn’t raised the price once since they introduced that Photographer’s plan, but everything else – everything – is more expensive today than it was eight years ago, except for that plan. High-five to Adobe.

Anyway, if you’re somehow still on the fence, check out this article, which takes you through the process, and highlights the good and the bad stuff as well.

Here’s the link.

OK, let’s get to use those awesome new masking features in the new update. They are a game changer!

Have a good one!


P.S. Today over on scottkelby.com I posted Terry White’s webcast where he goes over all the new features in the latest Lightroom update. Really good stuff – so worth checking it out (I embedded it right on the blog, so you can watch it right there). Here’s the link.



  1. Robert Barr 9 November, 2021 at 17:25 Reply

    Scott, PLEASE stop encouraging Adobe to raise the subscription price! You have mentioned this also on several Grid episodes. Please stop. Thank you. 🙂

  2. Keith 8 November, 2021 at 20:43 Reply

    I am a subscriber, but the price has increased at least once in Australia – due to exchange rate. So outside of USA, I dare say there have been some increases. In USD terms would not have increased. Still good value though.

    • Kevin Scott 11 November, 2021 at 08:54 Reply

      Just one point to your comment: Scott said “And, by the way – Adobe hasn’t raised the price once since they introduced that Photographer’s plan, but everything else – everything – is more expensive today than it was eight years ago, except for that plan. High-five to Adobe.” While your cost may have gone up due to exchange rates or VAT, ADOBE has not raised the price even once. Adobe is a powerful entity, but even THEY can’t impact exchange rates.

  3. Arne Marco Kirsebom 8 November, 2021 at 07:08 Reply

    I am subscribing, but in Norway Adobe has doubled the price the last couple of years. And although I only use Lightroom I also have to pay for Photoshop which I never use …

  4. mark casebeer 8 November, 2021 at 06:51 Reply

    Any remotely serious photographer should subscribe to the plan. I was one of those die-hards against the plan at the beginning but after years of subscribing, if I could only have one subscription software this would be it!

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