
We don’t need no stinkin’ badges

Ok, so I really wanted to use that line, but it is one of the new things that has been improved in Lightroom with the CC update.

Often when trying to click on an image either in the Grid mode of the Library or in the Filmstrip I will click on the badge of the image. Especially the little crop badge that lets me know that the image has been cropped. When I do that, it immediately opens up the image in crop mode and that is usually not where I want to go… so I have to close the crop by hitting done. Not a big deal, but it is all about being as efficient as possible and this little tip could get lost amongst HDR and the Brush upgrades.

Be careful not to click the crop badge when selecting the thumbnail

Be careful not to click the crop badge when selecting the thumbnail

Hitting the badge will take you straight to crop mode... which is neat if that is where you meant to go.

Hitting the badge will take you straight to crop mode… which is neat if that is where you meant to go.

Go to your Preferences in the top left corner and under the Interface tab and choose Ignore clicks on badges.

preference ignore

Turn on Ignore clicks of badges

Now you won’t accidentally open up in the crop mode. Not really a big game changer, but a nice little tweak.



  1. Darius Liktorius 13 May, 2015 at 09:32 Reply

    Pete – Will this also help prevent the inadvertent flagging/unflagging of individual photos in the library grid? Can’t stand when that happens.

  2. Dave 12 May, 2015 at 06:56 Reply

    Can you address an image rotation problem I am having? When I rotate an image to portrait view it seems to go back into landscape view and I have to do it again. Any ideas?

  3. Ryan P 7 May, 2015 at 06:39 Reply

    What about the bug that still persists in LR 6, where you hit the “d” key from the library to go into develop mode, and the photo automatically opens into crop mode for no damn reason? (then you angrily hit the “r” key to exit crop mode. Because you utilize keyboard shortcuts; like a gentlemen.)

  4. Greg M 7 May, 2015 at 01:14 Reply

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. This has been driving me nuts for so long. I didn’t realise that there was a way to stop this. Thank you.

  5. Gordon 6 May, 2015 at 12:48 Reply

    Please get rid of the annoying Creative Cloud Complete popup that interrupts reading the posts.

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