DevelopLightroom Tips

TIP: You Can Custom The Crop Tool’s Print Aspect Ratio Sizes


You know those Custom Crop Tool Print Overlays that talked about in a earlier post? I showed overlays for 5×7 and 2×3, right? Well,  you’re not stuck with the Print Size ratios Adobe chose for you — you can choose the ratios you want to see by going to the Develop Module, click on the Crop tool; then go under the Tools menu, then under the Crop Guide Overlay and select “Choose Aspect Ratios” to bring up a dialog (Seen below) where you can choose which of the preset sizes you’d like displayed.




  1. giannina 13 December, 2016 at 14:02 Reply

    I need to crop all my photos by 733×977 for my website. is there a way to set up this ratio so that i dont have to insert it manually.
    thank you

  2. Marty Cohen 26 November, 2014 at 15:16 Reply

    Hey Scott—
    Thanks for this one. I had totally forgotten about it. I was really excited about it when Adobe first added it to LR, then, “poof” gone from my brain. Thanks for the reminder. And, while I’m on this topic, I know we can add custom aspect ratios to the crop tool, but they don’t show up as choices in that “Choose Aspect Ratios” list so we can add them as guides. Do you know any other way to do that?
    Marty Cohen

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