FeaturedLightroom Presets

Shooting Raw and Want to Keep The Picture Style You Chose In Camera? Here’s How.

For most of Lightroom’s life, if you shoot in Raw and set a Picture Style in your camera (Canon calls them ‘Picture Styles.’ Nikon calls them ‘Picture Controls,’ Sony calls them Creative Styles, and so on), Lightroom has ignored those picture styles you chose. The only way to keep that ‘Style’ you chose in camera was to shoot in JPEG, but there is a way to keep those styles and have Lightroom honor them even if you shoot in RAW. It’s actually a preference setting.

Head over Lightroom’s preference and then click on the Preset tab up at the top. Once you do that you’ll see a Raw Defaults section near the top, and from the “Master,” pop-up menu (where it says “Adobe Default” click and hold on that and choose ‘Camera Settings” as shown above.

That’s all there is to it. Now when you shoot in RAW and choose a ‘style’ in-camera, Lightroom will still honor it (unless, of course, Lightroom doesn’t have access to that particular style).

Hope you found that helpful, and here’s to a great week!


P.S. I’m getting my second vaccine shot tomorrow. Whoo hoo!!! 🙂



  1. Ken 12 April, 2021 at 07:29 Reply

    Wow! Really?? I am not near my camera but I want to try this right away, this is something I have been looking for — for like a long time! Until I get to my gear, does this work with Fuji (i.e. you mentioned that LR has to have access to the styles)?

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