FeaturedLightroom ClassicPhotoshop

One of My “Most Used” Lightroom Classic Shortcuts

It’s a really easy, but a really helpful one, too. It’s how to see an instant side-by-side before and after of your image. Like you see above. The shortcut? The letter “y.” That’s it. Y gets you into that side-by-side and pressing Y one more time returns you to your normal view. Hope you found that helpful.

Next Wednesday night — an Evening with Joe McNally

We are thrilled to announce a special after hours event at next week’s Photoshop World Conference – “An Evening with @JoeMcNallyPhoto” where Joe will share his insights and experiences photographing the Tokyo Olympics. It. Will. Be. Amazing! http://Photoshopworld.com

I took the Platinum Award in Travel Photography at the Muse International Awards

The whole story (and my shot that won) is over on my daily blog at scottkelby.com

Thanks for stopping by, everybody. Looking forward to seeing a whole bunch of you next week at Photoshop World on the Lightroom Training Track! Have a great weekend!




    • Joe S 27 August, 2021 at 10:04 Reply

      OK. I get it now. It’s not the letter Y on the keyboard. It’s the Y in the tool bar on the bottom. It’s the letter C on the keyboard. Could have been explained better.

      • Joe S 27 August, 2021 at 10:20 Reply

        Still fooling around with this. I found out that you must be in the Develop Screen to do this. More info that could have been included in the post.

      • NotoriousRLS 29 August, 2021 at 09:29 Reply

        C in library mode isn’t the same thing as Y in develop.
        C compares 2 photos
        Y displays before and after of edits of the same image.
        Hope that helps.

        • Joe S 31 August, 2021 at 10:09 Reply

          Thanks. Yes you are right. I found that out. I love people that leave information out of their instructions. I think software instruction are famous for that. Driving instructions sometimes are also famous for that. These instruction while good could have at least also said you must be in Develop also.

          • NotoriousRLS 3 September, 2021 at 19:17

            I’m an old man. I never complain about free help, complete or incomplete. If it gets you part way there vs never having a hint that something is possible – it’s a win 🙂
            Take care.

  1. Dennis Zito 27 August, 2021 at 06:57 Reply

    Hi Scott,

    Congratulation on your Muse Platinum Award!! Beautiful photo! Have a Great time at Photoshop World!! Sounds like it’s going to be Fantastic!! Well, you be sending out updates for those of us that can’t attend?


    • Rob Sylvan 27 August, 2021 at 09:50 Reply

      Hey Dennis, Just so you know, paid attendees to Photoshop World get access to the recordings for all sessions for 1 year after PSW is over, so if you can’t make it for the live portions you can still catch all of the sessions at your own pace and schedule. Keep that in mind.

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