Comments on: Understanding the Role of the Folders Panel: Part 1 The Latest Lightroom Tips, Tricks & Techniques Wed, 22 Sep 2021 13:53:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Keys to Getting Organized in Lightroom Classic Part 2 - Lightroom Killer Tips Wed, 22 Sep 2021 13:53:58 +0000 […] This renames the folder in the Folders panel as well as on your drive all in one move while keeping the record in the catalog up to date. By performing all your file management tasks in LrC you keep your files organized and keep the catalog updated. To learn even more about the Folders panel and how to unlock all of its power, be sure to bookmark my article on the Role of the Folders panel. […]

By: Being In Control of Your Photos – Healthy Life Energy Thu, 04 Feb 2021 03:48:24 +0000 […] This took me several minutes, and was so much easier than re-organizing the photos into new folders. Just right-click any folder and choose Rename from the contextual menu that appears, then enter the new name in the Rename Folder dialog box, and click Save to rename the folder on disk and update the catalog. The other benefit of renaming folders is that you can then use the filter at the top of the Folders panel to quickly find folders that match what you type into that field. So, if I want to find all folders with the word “Florida” I just enter that in the field, and they all show up. Pretty handy! To learn more about the power of the Folders panel, check out my article on understanding its role. […]

By: Being In Control of Your Photos - Hollywood X Studio Thu, 04 Feb 2021 03:19:29 +0000 […] This took me several minutes, and was so much easier than re-organizing the photos into new folders. Just right-click any folder and choose Rename from the contextual menu that appears, then enter the new name in the Rename Folder dialog box, and click Save to rename the folder on disk and update the catalog. The other benefit of renaming folders is that you can then use the filter at the top of the Folders panel to quickly find folders that match what you type into that field. So, if I want to find all folders with the word “Florida” I just enter that in the field, and they all show up. Pretty handy! To learn more about the power of the Folders panel, check out my article on understanding its role. […]

By: Being In Control of Your Photos – KoodabellBlog Thu, 04 Feb 2021 03:14:39 +0000 […] This took me several minutes, and was so much easier than re-organizing the photos into new folders. Just right-click any folder and choose Rename from the contextual menu that appears, then enter the new name in the Rename Folder dialog box, and click Save to rename the folder on disk and update the catalog. The other benefit of renaming folders is that you can then use the filter at the top of the Folders panel to quickly find folders that match what you type into that field. So, if I want to find all folders with the word “Florida” I just enter that in the field, and they all show up. Pretty handy! To learn more about the power of the Folders panel, check out my article on understanding its role. […]

By: Being In Control of Your Photos – Photography Thu, 04 Feb 2021 00:04:44 +0000 […] This took me several minutes, and was so much easier than re-organizing the photos into new folders. Just right-click any folder and choose Rename from the contextual menu that appears, then enter the new name in the Rename Folder dialog box, and click Save to rename the folder on disk and update the catalog. The other benefit of renaming folders is that you can then use the filter at the top of the Folders panel to quickly find folders that match what you type into that field. So, if I want to find all folders with the word “Florida” I just enter that in the field, and they all show up. Pretty handy! To learn more about the power of the Folders panel, check out my article on understanding its role. […]

By: Being In Control of Your Photos - Lightroom Killer Tips Wed, 03 Feb 2021 23:41:56 +0000 […] This took me several minutes, and was so much easier than re-organizing the photos into new folders. Just right-click any folder and choose Rename from the contextual menu that appears, then enter the new name in the Rename Folder dialog box, and click Save to rename the folder on disk and update the catalog. The other benefit of renaming folders is that you can then use the filter at the top of the Folders panel to quickly find folders that match what you type into that field. So, if I want to find all folders with the word “Florida” I just enter that in the field, and they all show up. Pretty handy! To learn more about the power of the Folders panel, check out my article on understanding its role. […]

By: Essential Lightroom Classic Maintenance Tasks - Lightroom Killer Tips Thu, 09 Apr 2020 13:42:24 +0000 […] much that I wrote a two-part article on how to get the most out of this lowly panel. Start with the fundamentals of the Folders panel, and then move on to the essential tasks you need to […]

By: Mastering Collections in Lightroom Classic: Part 1 – dPico PHOTO Thu, 14 Dec 2017 02:50:57 +0000 […] my recent posts about the Folders panel a request was made to do a similar deep dive into collections, which I thought was a great idea […]

By: Understanding the Role of the Folders Panel: Part 2 – dPico PHOTO Thu, 07 Dec 2017 02:17:44 +0000 […] on from last week’s part 1 about the Folders panel […]

By: Rob Sylvan Tue, 05 Dec 2017 11:15:28 +0000 In reply to Deanne.

When you say you import photos, I think you are saying that you put the photos where you want them first, outside of Lightroom, then import using the ADD option, yes? In doing so the folders containing those photos appear in the Folders panel. Is that what you mean?

Collections are only a construct that exists within the catalog, while folders are where your photos exist on your hard drive. You can add photos to a collection during import, but you can’t import photos to a collection.
