
Lightroom Opens Its Own Instagram Account :)

Hi everybody, and greetings from New York City (snuck away for a couple days with the family for a little Broadway and Carmines). 🙂

OK, I’ve got somebody new for you to follow on Instagram — it’s @lightroom. That’s right — Lightroom has its own official account now, and they’re already sharing some great images.

Give ’em a follow (they’ve jumped from 0 to 12,000+ followers in just a few days. 🙂

Want to learn “The 7 Photoshop techniques every LIGHTROOM user needs to know?
I did a course on it. Check out the official class trailer below:


Here’s a direct link to the class. If you want to learn more about Lightroom instead, go to kelbyone.com/lightroom and you’ll find nearly 50 full-length courses on about every Lightroom topic you can imagine.

Have a great weekend everybody, and we’ll see ya back here on Monday. 🙂



P.S. I’m coming to Nashville next month with my Lightroom full-day seminar. Details here. 



  1. Styrmir B. Kristjánsson 28 June, 2017 at 11:26 Reply

    I hope that means they will add a feature to export straight to Instagram from Lightroom.

  2. Callmebob 23 June, 2017 at 15:11 Reply

    OMgee… is Instagram a new thing or what ??? fast imports just certainly be just around the corner then ! 😉 Some nice stuff on it already.

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