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Beginner Photographers: Are You Ready To Make a Real Breakthrough?

I want to help new photographers really have a breakthrough in their photography. If you have a friend, co-worker, or family member that is new to photography, and you want to see them make a real leap to where they’re making much better images right away, have them watch this one minute video below about my free Webinar today – I think I can really help (and it’s really 100% free).

Here’s where you register (free) for my 2:00 PM ET live “Beginner’s Breakthrough” talk.

I’m going to share some things I believe can really make a difference in their photography right away. It’s free and open to everyone, so I encourage you to invite your friends (just send them a link to this post).

Thanks for sharing this with your new photography friends. 🙂

Here’s wishing you an awesome Thursday, and we’ll see you back here tomorrow.





  1. David Haas 10 May, 2018 at 09:02 Reply

    Wish that I had more advance notice so I could send out to my Photo Club members. Will not get home to computer to send out mail list till after the webinar is over

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