Comments on: Getting Started with Syncing Lightroom Classic to the Lightroom Cloud The Latest Lightroom Tips, Tricks & Techniques Fri, 22 Dec 2023 03:21:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: 10 Lightroom Classic and Lightroom Tips - Lightroom Killer Tips Fri, 22 Dec 2023 03:21:02 +0000 […] To expand your Lightroom Classic catalog to your mobile devices it all starts with syncing your catalog. Click the cloud icon in the upper-right corner of the interface and click Start to begin the process. I’ve got an entire article if you want to learn more. […]

By: 10 Lightroom Classic and Lightroom Tips – Matrix perfect Wed, 20 Dec 2023 19:34:55 +0000 […] To expand your Lightroom Classic catalog to your mobile devices it all starts with syncing your catalog. Click the cloud icon in the upper-right corner of the interface and click Start to begin the process. I’ve got an entire article if you want to learn more. […]

By: My Trail Cam Workflow - Lightroom Killer Tips Thu, 13 Oct 2022 14:18:50 +0000 […] they download into Lightroom Classic they are placed in date-based folders using the capture date of each photo/video. Normally, as I’ve written about before, I keep […]

By: Which Version of Lightroom is Right for You: Part 2 - Lightroom Killer Tips Thu, 24 Feb 2022 13:49:50 +0000 […] There’s clearly a lot to consider, so to sum up here’s a review of what I think are the greatest strengths and challenges of each option. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the option to sync LrC to the Lr ecosystem, but that’s a whole other kettle of fish (and one I write about frequently on Lightroom Killer Tips). […]

By: Rob Sylvan Fri, 04 Feb 2022 16:00:52 +0000 In reply to Helen.

Hi Helen, That’s challenging to troubleshoot via blog post comments. If you are a KelbyOne member I suggest posting the KelbyOne community forum where we can share screen captures and more information to help you resolve the problem.

By: Helen Fri, 04 Feb 2022 08:00:07 +0000 When I make changes to a synced collection in LR classic (delete photos or move to a new collection set) these changes don’t always sync across to LR mobile. Any tips please?

By: Rob Sylvan Sat, 30 Oct 2021 14:12:07 +0000 In reply to Ernest Brandt.

Did you enable syncing in your LrC catalog? It sounds like you did, and if so, let it finish syncing. Enabling syncing in LrC DOES NOT automatically start syncing the photos in LrC to the cloud. However, enabling syncing in LrC DOES automatically start downloading EVERYTHING you already imported into ANY of the Lr apps.

See the above tutorial for how to configure LrC to direct where any full resolution photos from Lr are stored locally by LrC.

Any albums created in Lr will be found in LrC’s Collections panel under the From Lightroom collection set.

By: Ernest Brandt Sat, 30 Oct 2021 10:36:49 +0000 Thanks for the helpful tips, but I’m still struggling to figure out how to download photos from Adobe cloud to Lr Classic on my PC. I recently got a new iPad pro and have been downloading my photos directly to it from my camera card and doing most of the edits on the iPad. However, I want to be able to move these to my desktop for doing final retouches and long term storage. It’s so confusing with the albums and collections, and I can’t figure out how to move my Lr albums into LrC collections and sync images from the cloud. I started syncing and I think it was going to upload all 7k of my archived photos from the desktop to the cloud, which of course would eat up my 1 TB cloud storage before it got half started. Please help!

By: Tip Number 13 for People New to Lightroom Classic - Lightroom Killer Tips Fri, 25 Jun 2021 12:15:07 +0000 […] Now, it is completely true that anyone using Lightroom Classic can do so without ever needing to upload a single photo to the Lightroom cloud storage. So if that troubles you, just don’t ever enable your catalog to sync to the cloud, and keep doing what you’re doing. However, if you want to be able to extend your photo library from your computer to your mobile device(s) and even a web browser, then you might want to get started with syncing your catalog to the cloud. […]

By: Can You Install LrC and Lr on the Same Computer? – KoodabellBlog Thu, 03 Jun 2021 21:14:48 +0000 […] are directed at people who are primarily Lightroom Classic (LrC) users who are interested in also syncing their LrC catalog to the cloud. If you are primarily a Lightroom (Lr) user, then it really is simplest to just stick to using Lr […]
