FeaturedLightroom ClassicLightroom Coffee BreakPhoto Books

Lightroom Photo Books: How to Use The New Custom-Layout Feature

Well, it’s only new because it came out so silently last summer, but it’s probably the biggest thing to happen to photo books since they were introduced. Check out Benjamin Warde’s new video above (it’s less than 60-seconds) and if you’ve ever made a Lightroom Photo Book, you’ll see why this is so awesome! 🙂

Thanks, Benjamin! 🙂

Here’s to a kick-butt Tuesday!


P.S. Tomorrow Rick Sammon is my guest on “The Grid” – it’s gonna be an awesome show. 4PM ET – http://facebook.com/skelby



  1. Al 20 February, 2019 at 02:50 Reply

    On a LR book related subject:
    In LR 8.2, uploading to Blurb from LR stalls systematically at about 50%, whatever size the book is. However creating the pdf works.
    Any clues what is blocking the upload?


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