It’s named the Color Mixer in Lightroom CC (the Cloud version), and simply the Color Panel in Lightroom Classic, and the video above (from Adobe’s own Michelle Wei & Josh Haftel), shows how to adjust individual colors using the panel.

NOTE: Their tutorial is using Lightroom CC (the cloud version), but the HSL / Color Panel works the same way in Lightroom Classic, but the interface looks slightly different (click directly on the word ‘Color’ in HSL / Color). Across of the top of CC’s panel are color swatches in circles; in Classic they’re rectangles. Click on one of those rectangles in Classic and you’ll see the same sliders appear that you see in the video.

Thanks Michelle and Josh. 🙂

Hope you have a better-than-average Tuesday! 🙂




  1. callmebob 7 August, 2019 at 09:15 Reply

    It would be great in the COLOR “tab” of that panel if there were an option for 2 locators on the Hue line so you could more carefully control the portion of that general color family you want affected. This would be helpful in reducing unintended influence of near colors, like yellows which transition into orange, but you want the orange left just how it is… Sometimes a generalized location is fine, so the 2 locators could be overlapped and treated as it behaves today, but maybe a CTRL click on the line to open the second…

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