FeaturedLightroom WebNew Features

Why Lightroom’s New Web Gallery Feature Rocks!

Hi gang, and happy Monday. You already know about how to share a Collection on the Web with anybody (I covered that about two weeks ago), but you can go way beyond just sharing a collection and use the Gallery feature to tell a story, complete with text, large cover image, and more. Here’s how:

STEP ONE: Start by syncing any Collection to Lightroom Mobile (here’s how to do that if you’re not sure how). Then go under Lightroom’s Help menu and choose “View my Collections on The Web” and it launches your Web Browser and takes you to your synced collections (as shown here — you can see my synced collection in the list on the left side panel. Here I clicked on the “French Riveria” collection. All your collections are private until you choose one to share one, so click on a Collection and then click the ‘Share’ button right above your thumbnails.

STEP TWO: This brings up the Share Options window. Click on “Lightroom Web Gallery” as shown here.

STEP THREE: This brings up the options window you see above where you can name the gallery (this text will appear on top of your Cover Photo), and you can optionally add an Author credit. BTW: The reason it says “Author” instead of “Photographer” is that the whole idea behind using this gallery, rather than just sharing a collection, is to share a ‘story’ using images and words. To choose which image becomes your large-size cover photo, just click on its thumbnail in the Cover Photo area. At the bottom there are also options for allowing people who view your gallery to download the image; see your metadata or your GPS location info. When you’re done, click Save to create this gallery (don’t worry — this gallery still isn’t public — you have to choose to share in the next screen, but at least you’ll be able to see and edit your gallery in the next screen).

STEP FOUR: Here’s a preview of your gallery. You can see the Cover Photo and title overlaying it at the very top.

STEP FIVE: To rearrange the order of your thumbnails, you can just drag and drop them. Here I’m dragging the 6th photo (2nd row far left) over to the 5th position (2nd-row center), and you can see the outline of my thumbnail replacing the image behind it.

STEP SIX: To add text, just click the pencil icon on the far right. Here I added “Our Hotel in France,” but then I separated those hotel shots from the rest of the images (including the ones taken in Italy) by holding my cursor in-between any two images and the images bend inward like a door open, and in-between the images you’ll see a circle and a plus-sign. Click on that plus sign and it creates a visual Section Divider between the sections of images (seen in the next image).

STEP SEVEN: Here you can see the sections divided, and I added the text “Italy.”

STEP EIGHT: You can add a caption to any photo, so when somebody looks at your image large size, they’ll see your caption in the lower lefthand corner. To do this, double-click on the photo, then click the ‘i’ icon on the far right side of the screen and a sidebar slides out on the right side where you can enter a title and/or a caption (this is also where any metadata on the photo you chose to include will appear).

STEP NINE: Another big advantage of these galleries, over just sharing a collection is; not only do you not have to share all the images in a collection, better yet you can drag and drop images from any shared collection into your gallery, like I’m doing here where I’m taking an image from my KISS and Def Leppard Collection and dragging and dropping one of the images up to my Shared web gallery in the top left corner (the dotted lines on the left show places you can drag and drop your images).

STEP 10: Another nice feature is the slideshow — if they hit the Play button, you get a full screen, auto-advancing slides, with forward and back arrows on either side and a set of simple controls at the bottom.

STEP 11: When you’re ready to share your gallery, you’ll find the URL (web page link) right at the top left of your image area (circled in red on the left). Click on the Clipboard icon to copy this address to your clipboard so you can email it to text it to anyone you want to view this gallery (only the people that have this link will be able to see the gallery). If you do want to make it public, you can post the link directly to Facebook, Twitter or Goggle+ using the icons to the right (I circled it in red on the right above).

There ya have it! (There are probably more features because I keep uncovering more, but we’ll save those for another day. Once I get to 10-steps, I feel like it’s time to pull the plug). 😉

Hope you all have a great day, and we’ll catch ya back here tomorrow. 🙂



P.S. We added stops in Richmond and Nashville to my “Lightroom On Tour” full-day seminar, coming in July. Get your tickets now and come spend the day with me learning Lightroom like a boss! 



  1. Geoffrey Lacy 25 June, 2019 at 08:47 Reply

    Add email link, simply and elegantly to the webpage. The web gallery should work for us, the photographer, paying monthly fees. The client should be able to easily communicate with us. Do it.

  2. Geoffrey Lacy 25 June, 2019 at 08:39 Reply

    Comments and Likes (heart) not available unless you log in. I’m not making all my clients become adobe members to interact with my web gallery. This gallery should be made to work for us, the photographer, by making it easy for the client to to view our work.

    • Rob Sylvan 25 June, 2019 at 08:42 Reply

      You can supply the client with an Adobe ID/pass that you create. No need to make them do it. “Here’s your secure gallery. Please use this ID and password to log in where you will be able to leave comments or simply click the heart for the photos you like.”

  3. Dan 22 January, 2019 at 13:11 Reply

    Nice tutorial. What keeps the web module from “rocking” is offering a home button to get out of the gallery, and back to some home page. Once you’re in the web gallery, there is no easy way out.

  4. Bionda 5 February, 2018 at 08:45 Reply

    I am a little worried that the published pictures have no option to add a watermark or copyright.
    Or am I missing something here?

  5. Joan Sullivan 27 July, 2017 at 10:12 Reply

    Since you first posted this Scott, I have successfully created several web galleries using this awesome feature. My clients simply love it (me too!)

    But today, for some reason, there is no URL that appears at the top-left of my image (as you describe in Step 11). It is just not there, as it always was before. I tried re-creating a new web-gallery with the same images, but no cigar. Any suggestions?

  6. Scott 19 July, 2017 at 02:37 Reply

    I love this feature,I’ve been playing around with it for a week or so but unless I’m missing something comments and ‘hearts’ do not seem to sync with either the normal shared collection or back to LR proper.

    Anyone else experiencing this?

  7. Ron Buckstein 23 June, 2017 at 23:32 Reply

    It’s a great feature, but unfortunately you don’t seem able to set this up from Lightroom Mobile…it’s only from the Desktop

  8. Craig 23 June, 2017 at 05:31 Reply

    Very extensive lesson – Great job. I love this idea. I hope they add the ability to upload songs or a soundtrack. – Like Zenfolio. Great feature.

  9. J M Landwermeyer 21 June, 2017 at 21:07 Reply

    Hey Scott, it looks pretty cool, except for a couple of issues with text. 1. It sure would be nice if the “Author” could decide where text lived in an image (for example, in the cover photo with the buildings, wouldn’t it be better if the gallery title appeared in the upper right-hand corner of the image?). 2. While we’re talking about text, wouldn’t it be awesome if we controlled the color of the text, including the option of a color-picker (so you could match other lettering in the image, or maybe the color of a building, or other item, that appears in the image (like the orange or yellow in the Def Leppard logo)?

  10. Sean Chandler 20 June, 2017 at 07:59 Reply


    I’m about to go on holiday – going back to Barbados for 3 weeks – yay!

    I’m not taking my multi-many gigabyte Lightroom catalog along, and I was wondering if I should create a new catalog on my laptop with the first image import in Barbados, and then export/import that into my main catalog when I come back to Canada.

    Any advice on this one?


  11. Tim 19 June, 2017 at 11:07 Reply

    Scott- one of the most useful tips of the year. This literally blows flickr out for sharing projects. Thanks

    • Scott Kelby 19 June, 2017 at 11:58 Reply

      Thanks, Tim – so glad you found it helpful. 🙂 Also – I added the missing “Step 11” so I hope you’ll check back (it’s about sharing the gallery online). 🙂

      • Tim 19 June, 2017 at 21:36 Reply

        No worries Scott-I tend to push button until I get the result I need. I was out to my client without a problem. The response back from the client was outstanding–thanks again.

  12. Ian T 19 June, 2017 at 05:21 Reply

    OK, so I may win Doofus Of The Year, but I understood everything apart from when I’m done – what happens then? Is it live? Shared? Do I need to save it? Or is it just a case of sharing the link?

    Put the plug back in for just one more step from someone who’s not terribly clever?

    Really useful tips though – thanks very much!

    • Scott Kelby 19 June, 2017 at 11:58 Reply

      Ian – I’m afraid that award belongs to me – I’m the one that left off STEP 11, which is the one that shows how to share the gallery. I went back and added it to the post. Thanks for pointing that out. 🙂

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