If you’ve ever synced a collection (album in Lightroom CC) from Lightroom Classic to Lightroom CC (formerly mobile), then you may be familiar with the functionality for sharing that collection by clicking the Make Public button that appears above the collection.

Creating a Gallery from One or More Albums
There’s another feature that I believe has a lot of potential but is still a work in progress. The basic premise is that you can create a web gallery comprised of multiple albums (collections) instead of just one. It’s a way to create a free-standing web gallery with link you can share, but is also dynamically linked to Lightroom CC. Any changes you make to the photos in Lightroom CC (or synced through Classic) are always reflected in the web gallery (just don’t forget to refresh the web browser to see the latest). Note, at the time of this writing you can only create one of these types of galleries.

To get there, go to lightroom.adobe.com and log in with the Adobe ID/password you use for your Creative Cloud subscription.

From the Welcome screen (or Dashboard, as shown above), you can click the Globe icon to see albums/collections that have been shared publicly, and at the top you will see a button for Gallery.

If this is the first time you’ve come here, click the Get Started button to begin. This enables the gallery function, and allows you to start customizing your gallery.

You can change the image associated with your profile, customize the settings for the Photo Settings to allow the display of metadata, location, downloads, comments and likes. Click Add albums to see a list of your existing albums that you can add to this gallery.

You can also enter a description for your gallery. Once configured, it is just done and live. The (incredibly long) link is displayed at the top, and clicking that will take you to viewing the gallery.

This is the link you would share with others, and that’s the only way a visitor could find it. Here’s what this finished gallery looks like after clicking the link. Basically it is a home page (of sorts) for accessing the albums (collections) you’ve decided to include in this gallery. You can add or remove albums at any time. Give it a test run for yourself to see how it works.

I look forward to seeing how this feature evolves and gets used.



  1. Phil Stone 20 July, 2023 at 07:53 Reply

    I noticed that Adobe Lightroom CC does not have this Gallery feature. Is this Adobe’s way of quietly dropping the feature altogether? Gallery has a serious issue concerning the sort of its collections which appear to be in a completely random order which is not very helpful. I have posted about this issue in the Adobe LR forum.

  2. The D 14 July, 2023 at 15:16 Reply

    I dont know man, I want to share a folder to clients, with endless of albums, but I dont see any feature here. The gallery is alos public, and this is a no go. How do you handle this?
    I mean, if you have 40 team members and want to share albums on a folder, you are so done with lightroom.
    what a dissapointment :/

  3. Albert 8 February, 2023 at 04:00 Reply

    This is a real “hidden” feature for Lightroom. I love it as it so easy to use and I do not need to always upload photos to my Website. Just move new Photos into the album and that’s it …. But it seems that Adobe does not see any value and is not developing this feature any further – what a shame. I would love to sort the Albums in the order as I want and I also have issues within the order in the album. This never comes out as I want.

  4. Frans 14 January, 2023 at 13:27 Reply

    This gallery unfortunately still has not moved on. Its a shame as it could be a really good and quick way to send albums to clients. And this function only works from lightroom on the web, come on adobe lets get this sorted. In the mean time i will continue to use portfolio which works fine but takes more work to keep sync with changes and doesn’t have the comments and like ability.

  5. Lambert 7 June, 2018 at 11:54 Reply

    Looks like there’s long way to go. It seems that you can only create one gallery and then only have the option to add more collections to it.

    Also the first time I clicked the globe icon there was no Gallery button. That did not show up until I clicked on some option to use a beta plugin that selects the ‘best’ picture in a collection. Of course I cannot find it now.

    • Rob Sylvan 7 June, 2018 at 12:35 Reply

      Yeah, I think it is still evolving. You don’t need to enable technology previews (click the Lr icon) to access the gallery though. You do need to enable tech previews to see Best Photos.

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