Comments on: Question: What would Adobe need to add to Lr ‘Cloud’ for you to switch from Lr Classic? The Latest Lightroom Tips, Tricks & Techniques Thu, 23 Nov 2023 15:58:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stefan Nilsson Thu, 23 Nov 2023 15:58:14 +0000 Please give us a brightness slider. In Cloud and in Classic

By: David I Schamis Wed, 22 Nov 2023 14:02:32 +0000 In reply to Dave Cornue.

There are three certainties in life:

Death, taxes and that every hard drive ever created will fail one day.

The cloud is more trustworthy than your hard drives.

By: David I Schamis Wed, 22 Nov 2023 14:00:50 +0000 I have switched to Lr and have removed LrC from my computers so I don’t even feel tempted (I have burned my bridges).

That being said I am keeping a running list of the things I wish it had, with some important mitigants:

– Virtual copies (or preferably Versions) in the Local tab. I know the local tab is new but this feature would be great. I guess it really depends on whether Adobe can embed multiple versions in an XMP or DNG file – I certainly hope so.

– Larger previews in the grid view – it would be nice if I could get the previews much larger in the grid view.

– WAV files – I’m sure I am in the minority here but it would be great if Lr could associate a WAV file with a pic and allow us to listen to the WAV file directly from Lr. I know this is a niche interest, but its important to me and on my list.

– Convert to DNG – I convert everything to DNG (I have had the debates many times with people – I remain all in on DNG). It would be nice if you can do that from within Lr. Right now I use the Adobe DNG Converter to import my pics from the card, which is actually fine, but it would be better within Lr.

– Export presets – I haven’t figured out a way to save customized export presets – this would be very nice and something I used in LrC every day.

– Export to PS in PSD format – this probably doesn’t matter that much because after exporting as a TIF to PS I just save the file as a PSD in the same folder and Lr immediately see it, so this is probably low on my list of priorities and is more about muscle memory from LrC.

– More metadata – and specifically more ways to filter by metadata. The mitigant here, somewhat surprisingly, has been me going back to using Bridge which allows for some very powerful metadata filtering. But it would be better to have this in Lr.

By: Dave Cornue Tue, 14 Nov 2023 13:33:23 +0000 I way, ever gonna happen!! I’ve lost stuff (mostly magazines) from the cloud before – I will never trust it with my photos!

By: Bob Thu, 09 Nov 2023 04:22:57 +0000 Scott,
You said “I don’t want to share my answers yet because…”
When may we expect your answers?

By: Al Aikens Tue, 07 Nov 2023 19:57:35 +0000 Scott, I should have included this in my previous submittal. You’ve said that you’d update the LRC interface, what updates do you recommend and why?

I am comfortable with it; however, I’d change the default order of the Development panels to the order that they are applied by the program. There is an order that adjustments are applied in the program’s code and a rationale supporting that order developed by the programming team. This will help the user understand that previous adjustments are not affected by, successive adjustments. The most recent example of this is DeNoise in the Detail panel. Adobe’s guidance is to apply DeNoise early in the workflow while the Detail panel is positioned in the middle of the default panel stack. Therefore, the Detail panel should be positioned high in the default panel stack to suggest to the user to consider DeNoise and sharpening early in the workflow.

By: Steve Kalman Tue, 07 Nov 2023 11:30:02 +0000 I would not care to lose my folder hierarchy. Some years ago you recommended setting up folders (collection sets? — I did both) based on location. So I have US-East, US-West, Europe, etc and each of them has subfolders with images from various trips. I keyword on import with the folder name (e.g. “Amsterdam”). As I edit for print/publish I create color labels and stars. Those are used in smart collections along with built in things like portrait/landscape (and more). I might have made it too complex for anyone else to use, but I have over 100K images and I can find any of them in just a few moments.

Checking Adobe’s helpx file tells me that neither smart collections nor folder hierarchy will be retained.

Also, I have plenty of disk space and two different online backups.

By: Alex Mon, 06 Nov 2023 11:47:16 +0000 I am not going to switch anything that involves my photos to some cloud service and that’s because:
1. You, the creator, have no control as to what happens to your work. You can’t control a fire at the warehouse the servers are located, you cannot control who else has access to your work, and so on. I won’t be using the other Lightroom ever for these reasons.

2. The “Classic” version should be called ‘Lightroom’, and the Cloud version should be called: “Lightroom Cloud”. That’s the only naming that makes any sense.

3. If I would change anything about Lightroom Classic it would be the Book module, I would add direct access to print with Shutterfly, and the Web Module to work together with Adobe Portfolio or other websites.

So to answer your question as to “what Adobe could do to make you you LR Cloud” is: Absolutely nothing. There is nothing they can do to make me want to use / switch to that version.

By: What Does The New “Local” Storage Feature in Lightroom ‘Cloud’ Actually Do? – Home Blog Mon, 06 Nov 2023 08:40:32 +0000 […] asking, “What would Adobe need to add to Lr ‘Cloud’ for you to switch from Lr Classic?” (link) beside the folks who said something along the lines of “There is nothing they could ever do to […]

By: What Does The New “Local” Storage Feature in Lightroom ‘Cloud’ Actually Do? – Matrix perfect Mon, 06 Nov 2023 08:39:30 +0000 […] asking, “What would Adobe need to add to Lr ‘Cloud’ for you to switch from Lr Classic?” (link) beside the folks who said something along the lines of “There is nothing they could ever do to […]
