FeaturedLightroom Classic

How to Add a Watermark in Lightroom Classic

Hi, gang, and happy Friday. Here’s one by special request: How to add a Watermark in Lightroom Classic (the watermarking feature is not available in the cloud version of Lightroom – now named “Lightroom CC.)”

Hope you found that helpful.

More winners from my Worldwide Photo Walk Announced Today
Starting at noon (12:00 EDT), I’m announcing the winners of the Leader’s Walk, then the Video Taken During the Photo Walk at 2 pm, and at 4:00 pm the People’s Choice Award. That’s all over at my daily blog at scottkelby.com

Hope to see you in Arlington, Texas on Monday
I’m there with my full-day Lightroom seminar – hope I’ll get to meet you in person. Next stop, San Diego on Wed, Nov. 15th.





  1. Teddy 5 July, 2021 at 11:54 Reply

    I find it weird that one cannot move the watermark around. LR determines thus where you can put it. I use the Print Module and print to file. Then with the Identity, I use a png which you can move around

  2. Buddy annoyed 15 August, 2018 at 05:43 Reply

    Stop posting videos, please. We all survived before with pictures or even text, without this waste of lifetime if it fits your needs.

  3. David 3 November, 2017 at 10:23 Reply

    I have a bunch of old watermarks. (some were mistakes, to begin with.) How do you delete the ones you do not want any longer? Not seeing a delete key… thanks

    • Scott Kelby 3 November, 2017 at 11:37 Reply

      Go to the Export window; down to the bottom under Export Actions and from the pop-up menu there, choose “Go to Export Actions Folder now.” This will bring up a bunch of folders and one of them will be named “Watermarks” and inside of that will be your old watermarks you can delete. 🙂

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