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How to Install LUTs (Color Lookup Tables) In Lightroom

If you’ve downloaded some free LUTs from the Web (or you got my own personal set of LUTs from attending my “Ultimate Photography Crash Course” seminar), getting them installed is easy — but it’s absolutely not obvious. In fact, I’d say it was hidden about as well as Adobe’s ever hidden anything (and they are masters at making things “undiscoverable” and if you have doubts about that last statement, watch the video I did below:

I wasn’t kidding was I? OK, go find some LUTs; get in my Lightroom, and start adding those looks! 🙂

I’m In Houston & LA In Just a Couple of Weeks!

My full-day “Ultimate Photography Crash Course” seminar next stops are in Houston on Monday, March 23, and then Los Angeles on Wednesday, March 25th. Hope you can come out and join me for the day. Tickets and info right here. 

Here’s to a kick-butt week!




  1. marc labro 9 March, 2020 at 23:16 Reply

    Hi Scott,
    I think I just copied all my LUTs directly in win10 Appdata Camera raw settings folder.
    I also do it for presets.

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